Other sources for funding

Eveline Noteboom Updated by Eveline Noteboom

Next to the financial resources KWF offers for the research, development and implementation of your innovation, there are other sources. Below you can find a list of other funders. Note that this list is not complete. We try to keep this list as up-to-date as possible, if you are missing a funder, let us know via onderzoek@kwf.nl.

Life Sciences Funding Database (HollandBIO)

The Life Sciences Funding Database of HollandBio contains detailed information for academic researchers as well as for private parties. The 'search wizard' will help you to find the right type of funding. With the 'search option' you can search on specific keywords, such as 'cancer'. You can visit the database here.

Supported by the Duth government:

For start-ups:

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